Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tick Tock Tick Tock

I can't believe there is less than a week to October. Sun rise and set. Day pass by day. Months go by and seasons end after seasons. It's spring already and the sun shines through the day and set later in the evening. The weather is getting better. Less damp.

Chatted with Jes yesterday. She just finished her Trials. Flashed back and I can''t remember how we came so far down the year of 2010. I felt like I just talked to her and giving her advice on what might be best for her after her SPM. I felt like I just sent her off to stay in a hostel and being in Subang instead of home. I felt like I just saw her walking in Taylor's College following my footsteps. I felt like I just heard her complaining about the stress level and crazy busy life of a SAM student. I felt like everything just happened yesterday but those events mentioned earlier took place almost 10 months ago.

These are some of the great memories I was privileged to have as a SAM student. Even Jes gona's be over it..These are ages ago..
Darshini and I...
Yee Siew, me and Jasmine
Yee Siew, me, Jasmine and Shalini during prom..My bestie..
The 3 Ipoh-ians in G3. Philip and Rachel.
The girls..All in green.

The loud and cool big family called G3.
We are almost there before the year ends and it freaks me out. Final exam is in 7 weeks and that is less than 2 months. My trip home will be in 9 weeks and Christmas will be in 13 weeks time. Then we will have to start writing 2011 as the date.

Think I am crazy, but believe it or not, another blink will send us all to New Year.

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