Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Catch up

It's week 3 in Uni now and it's Thursday already and that means even week 3 is coming to an end. I have a report and a draft due next week and I am far from done. I am actually supposed to at least complete the report this week so I can formulate my product during practical tomorrow but that report is far from done. I dont know what to do. I just think the report is too difficult for my academic level. My brain just cant do it. Anyways, other than the report, I have 2 test coming up in Week 5 and week 6 respectively. But I am not quite worried about that as I know after the report and draft is done, I can totally focus on that and I dont think it would be that bad.

Week 7 is the week I am looking forward to now. It's Easter break and that would be 2 weeks. Cant wait yo. I guess what dad says is true. Living a student life is rather comfortable. Study for 7 weeks then you get a 2 weeks break. Nice.

So please please pray for diligence in completing my report and to persevere on till the upcoming holidays.

Will update this real soon to write things other than studies as this is getting more boring. Right?

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