Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Chat

I have been spending time catching up with friends lately. One of them is PHAN AI YEAN! It all began after she left me a rather disturbing message on Facebook. It was written as such 'Sze.. when you gonna come online?! need to talk to you =('. She used the word, 'need to talk'. Doesn't that imply something serious or big? Anyways, move on, once I signed in on MSN, she started a conversation. I asked her what was the matter and she told me she just suddenly thought of me and wanted to chat. That was such a relieve. Nothing has happen or atleast nothing bad happened. We had a nice chat and it was for hours. LOL..During the few hours, I realized that she is turning into a nerd..Haha..So proud of her. She studies all the time and it only proves to me how lazy am I. Pressure on me. Today(Sat) we had our little talk again. It was fun.

She sent me a picture of us taken from High school graduation which was about 3 years ago. It brings back so much memories.. Those days where we would go to tuition together, go for aerobics class together and just eating together.

She makes me feel like going back even more. Then we can have those talk, food and laughter non-stop.LOL

Ps: Ai yean, we should talk more often and continue to be a nerd!


Ai Yean said...

wow wow.. LOL.. lets come back to talk, to eat and to do everything. HAHA!! nerd? i dont think im a nerd yet. soon.. haha. anyway, i like this post!! =)) you made my day

Ai Yean said...

wow wow.. LOL.. lets come back to talk, to eat and to do everything. HAHA!! nerd? i dont think im a nerd yet. soon.. haha. anyway, i like this post!! =)) you made my day

Ai Yean said...

wow wow.. LOL.. lets come back to talk, to eat and to do everything. HAHA!! nerd? i dont think im a nerd yet. soon.. haha. anyway, i like this post!! =)) you made my day