Monday, August 23, 2010


About 2/3 weeks ago, red spots started to appear on my right hand. Only on the four phalanges excluding the thumb. I don't know the reason for that but I thought it was some insect bites and it would heal in no time. However, they did not. Eventually, they looked worse and my fingers started to swell. My housemates said they were gross and adviced me to go seek medical attention. Well, I know I should. As a future pharmacist, I would advise people to go get something for it rather than just simply waiting for it to heal miracuosly by itself. But I was too lazy about it.

Finally on one Friday, I decided to show Madeline(4th year pharmacy student). She suggested that I should take antihistamines and it would be better if it is allergies. If not means it is something else and I would need to go to the pharmacy/doctor.

Today, I finally decided to go to the pharmacy to ask for help. I DONT WANT TO AMPUTATE MY HAND! LOL..Anyways, they tooked a look at it and touched my hands..I am suprised they dare to do that. They told me that it is probably Chilblain and gave me an ointment to apply on it.

From Wikipedia 'Chilblains are acral ulcer(ulcers that affect the extremities) that occur when a predisposed individual is exposed to cold and humidity. The cold exposure damages capillary beds in skin, which in turn can cause redness, itching, blisters, and inflammation.'...

My normal hand

My distorted right hand.. This picture does not clearly
show the severity of my condition. It's far worse than what
you are looking at now.

This small ointment cost me $10.50. That's freakisly expensive

Anyways, hopefully I will be able to come back here soon to tell you that my hand is alright..This pricey ointment will cure my fingers right?

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Ai Yean said...

omg.. pls take care!!