Seriously, I finally understood the importance of talking to the right person at night. If you really want to sleep, try talking to someone whom make things go simple. Was quite tired yesterday so I planned to sleep earlier. But as I left the computer on signing in to msn..That’s where the problem began. Out of nowhere, Shalini suddenly online and said ‘ello’. Of course I have to chat with her as I only meet her online like once in a blue moon. In the beginning, it started quite well. Just chatting about the basic things like when is she leaving and stuff like that. Then I don’t even understand why I have to start the thing. We started to chat in our own language and it got me so high. All because of you Shalini! First come backto together. Then she suggested that we should come backto with sampanto. Then dolphinto, draino, ballto, hoopto. And about jasmine trainto our dolphinto. As they give birth, we will all be grandparentsto and great grandparentsto. Haha..I think it’s the effect of your chocolateto. It got me so excited about it that we chat till around 3am. I think we would have chat longer if the call did not exist. Extremely funny about that as she was all alone downstairs and suddenly the phone rang. Creepy. Then I too sign off and went to bed. Unfortunately, I was awake until roughly 4am as to the endorphin level. So I suggest that Shalini, you should online a little earlier.
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