Sunday, May 29, 2011


9 minutes to class....

It's almost Winter..By season, there is a few days left. By temperature, it is gradually getting to winter day temperatures. I remembered it was about 6 degrees celcius last night. Thank God for a warm home. Anyways, I just randomly want to share a few tips on keeping ourselves warm during this exciting season.

What to do?
- Drink a 100 degree celcius drink and it will instantly make you feel 10 degrees warmer. I totally got that this morning as I was late and tried to finish up the whole cup of hot chocolate.

- Wear a thick jacket. Preferably water proof as it tends to rain more in this season.

- Have a really thick blanket. It keeps you warm throughout the night.

- For the ladies, boots are awesome. Just got myself a pair of boots and I realized it can really make me feel warmer.

* If you dont have a thick jacket, go get one. The problem is that, those really good-looking ones can be quite costly. Thus one way to save on that is to hibernate under the blanket all the time. The weather, makes you eat more, exercise less, sleep more and becomes fatter thats for sure. To be honest, I dont have a really thick one. My blanket is really good at keeping me warm though. However, hibernating there is not such a good idea especially when daddy is paying fees in Aussie Dollar which is crazily high nowadays. So the only thing I can do is layered-up..It's working well so far. I still manage to escape sickness after 2 winters. Not even a common cold.

Nevertheless, winter is still great. But I still prefer Autumn or Spring. That is because the temperature is just nice. A thin jacket will do the job. Thongs will be alright too..You wont feel like your toes were about to drop off. Other than that, it just makes going to the beach more inviting.

But this post is about Winter. So just say HELLO to the single digit temperatures.

Done! 0 minutes to lecture. Have to run!

1 comment:

pismayka said...

yay! this post was super informative and lol u finished it in 9 minutes?? O.O lol and now i'm all the more tempted to get meself boots! :PPPP