Monday, February 21, 2011

Ox Tongue

The title itself grossed you out? Look at the dish on top, it doesnt look that bad, does it? Anyways, the I tried this the last time I went to Melbourne. It's a restaurant named Menya and Ox Tongue rice is one of their specialty dish. I thought it would taste disgusting too but I mean, just give it a try. Why not right? Once I put that into my mouth, the flavours were so great that I fell in love with it since then. Going to Melbourne again tomorrow before Uni starts this year. Can't wait to eat that again!! Yum.Yum...

Friday, February 18, 2011


Its 12.58am and I am now in the computer area in Uni because I got locked out of my apartment. Basically, I left the key in the apartment and sadly, I will have to wait till 9am before I can call my landlord so that she can bring the spare key to open the door for me. Hopefully she dont charge me for that. Oh well, I have another 8 hours to go and I am already feeling hungry and tired. Just wana sleep. But I believe I can get through this.

Ps: People, please remember to bring your keys out!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love and Worry

It's Valentine's day and what's wrong if I choose to express my love to my family instead of to a guy? Right? I am kinda worried today as I got a text from Mum saying that she is in the hospital. Well, she started not feeling really well yesterday complaining of chest pain and I joked about it. I told her it must be because I am not around anymore. Apparently that doesnt seem to be the case as the symptoms continues today. So I think she went for a check up or something. She texted me later today again saying she is out of the hospital. Anyhow, I am still rather worried. Just hopefully everything is really alright.
Seriously, the person I love the most on earth is definitely my MUM!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


First and foremost!- Dear Yamashita, sorry for not updating this blog since I am back in Malaysia. Life is too good back there. Hah. Blog is like so unimportant then.

Anyways, 13/02/2011 and I am finally back to Oz land. This time, the feeling sucks. It's my first time flying alone all the way without friends. Transiting alone and just doing everything alone. An Australian man sat next to me during the flight and he seems to be a really nice guy. He offered me some biscuits and we chit chatted a bit. But when I transitted back to Adelaide, there was no one next to me so the feeling is slightly worse. But thank God I am back here in one piece without depression. Huh.

Let's recap on what has been happening for the past 2 months while I am back home. Believe or not, I worked. It's not my first job but I would say it's my first serious job. I did not leave after the first few days but managed to persevere on for the whole promised 2 months. Well, I am proud that I did that. A 8.30am to 6pm job is quite long hour. Had to sacrifice all the fun of life. Had to turn down friends' late meet-ups. Had to skip lunch with family. But believe it or not, the outcome was more than what I would have expected. I've learnt so much from my colleagues and from my boss. Bless them for being so patient with me. I've got to say, I am totally a slow learner and I make mistakes all the time but still, I wasn't kicked out. Get to learn stuffs, get to know people, get to see people and get paid. Isn't it just great? Just a photo of that.

Ok. Enough with work. Of course, the great celebration at home. It's Chinese New Year. Gong Xi Gong Xi into the year of Rabbit. It's a great oppurtunity to meet all my cousins who are backed from KL and to just talk and laugh and eat and gamble. Well, did not gamble alot this year so my gamble account is still negative. But it's not about the money. It's about each others' company that lifts up the whole environment. Did not manage to upload pictures taken from Mum's family so pictures below are cousins from Dad's side.

The group- in their house

Theng jie trying to show off his height after wearing a 5 inch high heels.

The group- at my house!
I guess, that's about it for now. Will try to update fairly frequently.
Live life to the fullest!Appreciate those around!
Signing off!