Saturday, November 6, 2010


Am currently studying about depression. Typical, atypical and melancholic depression. Never knew there were so many types of depressions till I had this lecture last 2 weeks and studying about it now. I was feeling rather depressed too. Did not do much yesterday and today. Was supposed to finish atleast 10 lectures in two days but so far I have only done half. Gosh. Kill me..

That was exactly how I felt 2 hours ago. But had Domino's with my housemates just now. It lifted up my spirit. For 7+, we had 2 large pizzas, 3 lava cakes and 1 cheesy garlic bread to share. It is not all about the food. It's the fellowship. I dont think I will ever get bored of this people. Even if we talk everyday over dinner, we still can somehow come up with a topic to chat. Can't imagine how my life would be without them. These are the friends I would treasure for life. 30 years from now, we will still be able to sit and laugh over things.
Anyways, enough for now. Need to continue my depression topic and make sure I finish it asap.

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